Living the Future – TÜV AUSTRIA 150


TÜV AUSTRIA, this Austrian group of companies with international operations hosted a ceremony at the TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center in Vienna to celebrate #TÜVAUSTRIA150!

300 guests from business, science, research, politics and public authorities accepted TÜV AUSTRIA’s invitation on Friday evening to celebrate TÜV AUSTRIA 150 and live the future together.

In a video greeting, Austrian President Alexander Van der Bellen expressed his congratulations on the “special birthday for a special Austrian company”, which has been providing technical safety and security for all sectors of business and industry, in cities, in communities, in the workplace and in private living environments for 150 years. What began in Vienna on June 11, 1872, the president continued, has long since become an internationally acclaimed red-white-red success story. WATCH #TÜVAUSTRIA150 on You Tube!

No Good Future without Safety and Security

The host of the gala evening, Lisa Gadenstätter, talked about our success story in the talk show #TÜVAUSTRIA150 with TÜV AUSTRIA President Kommerzialrat Dipl.-Ing. Johann Marihart, and the executive board of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, CEO Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Stefan Haas and CFO Mag. Christoph Wenninger.

President Marihart stressed that without safety and security, there would be no good future. “TÜV AUSTRIA ensures this safety and security, lives the future, and secures the future.” According to Marihart, the Group’s most important asset is its dedicated employees, with their knowledge and expertise in all matters relating to technical safety. “For that safety, they have at all times boldly thought their way into best-chance and, of course, worst-case scenarios. This was done with an unbridled spirit of research and innovation, always with customized solutions, always at the cutting edge of technology, always as a partner to industry and as an enabler.”

A Companion to New Technologies

Stefan Haas, CEO of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, outlined the Company’s recipe for success for 150 years. “Knowing how safe you need to be, knowing what our customers really need, where they stand with their safety and security – and meeting each of our customers according to their specific needs. In a complex world that has in part become very confusing, it is always good to have a competent companion at your side. This is what we see ourselves as.”

Its diverse operations, Haas said, have earned a great deal of trust for the Group. That applies to all sectors of the economy, to legislative bodies, to science and research, to administration, and to consumers. “A trust that has seen us grow continuously and has made us what we are today.”

3,000 Employees at 60 Companies in 31 Countries

Christoph Wenninger, CFO of TÜV AUSTRIA Group, went on to explain how “Living the Future” is practiced by TÜV AUSTRIA on a daily basis. “Thinking ahead, having suitable solutions and developing them, gaining the trust of customers – and retaining it – is only possible if everything fits together internally within the organization.” At TÜV AUSTRIA, everything fits together very well. “Our group of companies has a terrific team. Approximately 3,000 employees, their team spirit and their motivation go to create the conditions for us having had a future since 1872 – now for 60 companies in 31 countries.” WATCH #TÜVAUSTRIA150 on You Tube!

An “Imperial” Visit

A visit by “Emperor Robert Heinrich I” caused a sensation and a great deal of merriment among the guests at the event. The visiting sovereign was highly astonished and impressed by the constant further development of the Austrian pioneer of steam boiler safety into a digital, sustainable company with international operations.

World Premiere for RISE (Remote Inspection System Edge)

To mark the occasion, TÜV AUSTRIA CEO Stefan Haas then also presented a world premiere: RISE (Remote Inspection System Edge). This is a hardware and software solution conceived, developed and implemented by TÜV AUSTRIA. For the first time, it enables 24/7 monitoring of industrial plants, pressure vessels and industrial components. The use of artificial intelligence also ensures that susceptibility to faults can be predicted and service life calculations performed for components that are monitored.

The official part of Living the Future, TÜV AUSTRIA’s 150 year celebration, came to an end with the planting of an evergreen oak in the greenspace of the TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center by President Johann Marihart and executive board members Stefan Haas and Christoph Wenninger. For interested guests, special tours through the TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center offered plenty of special insights into testing, inspection, research and development.

The TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center in Vienna was the venue for the "TÜV AUSTRIA 150" celebration to mark the 150th anniversary of the independent, Austrian group of companies TÜV AUSTRIA, which is active in 31 countries with solutions in the fields of safety, quality, education and training. The TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center houses Austria's largest anechoic chamber and the largest industrial computer tomograph, the Safe Sec Lab with a focus on "Security in Industry", power grid and environmental simulations, automotive solutions, product safety and PPE testing halls and the training center for non-destructive material testing as well as other facilities for the further development of technical safety. (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Christian Kraus

The TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center in Vienna was the venue for the “TÜV AUSTRIA 150” celebration to mark the 150th anniversary of the independent, Austrian group of companies TÜV AUSTRIA, which is active in 31 countries with solutions in the fields of safety, quality, education and training. The TÜV AUSTRIA Technology & Innovation Center houses Austria’s largest anechoic chamber and the largest industrial computer tomograph, the Safe Sec Lab with a focus on “Security in Industry”, power grid and environmental simulations, automotive solutions, product safety and PPE testing halls and the training center for non-destructive material testing as well as other facilities for the further development of technical safety. (C) TÜV AUSTRIA, Christian Kraus

Comments on TÜV AUSTRIA 150

O. Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Sabine Seidler, Dean of the Vienna University of Technology, President of the Austrian University Conference

For ten years now, TÜV AUSTRIA has been an important partner in research and development cooperations, for example with the Technical Universities in Vienna and Graz, the University of Leoben and the Johannes Kepler University in Linz. We have a common goal when it comes to digitization, automation, artificial intelligence, big data, connectivity, materials technology and climate protection: finding answers to the questions of the future, spanning the spectrum from basic research to potential applications, and perceiving innovation as a shared task for universities and commercial enterprises. I would like to thank the Austrian TÜV for its many initiatives, and I am very pleased that the Technology & Innovation Center here at the Vienna-Inzersdorf site is not only an attractive partner for science and research, but is also growing continuously. My hearty congratulations on the anniversary!

H.E. Ozan Ceyhun, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of Turkey to Austria

Turkey and TÜV AUSTRIA. A really good combination. Why? In my country, the interest in safety and quality in the production and plant sectors, in more process safety and quality, has steadily increased – and resulted in many opportunities for TÜV AUSTRIA. These are opportunities that have been successfully exploited by the Company, which has been operating as TÜV AUSTRIA Turk at five locations in the country since 2008. This commitment has generated a high level of trust in the Turkish business community, among public authorities and politicians. We are pleased to have at our side a partner for technical safety, quality and innovation that is now in demand far beyond our national borders. All the best!

Dr. Joachim Bühler, Member of the Presidium and Managing Director of TÜV-Verband e.V.

The TÜV brand stands for technical and digital safety and security, as well as for the sustainability of products, systems and services. At the same time, TÜV stands for innovation, for qualified basic and further training. Above all, however, TÜV stands for independence – in politics, public authorities, the media, companies and among consumers. This is independence, which also accounts for TÜV AUSTRIA’s success – as a passionate innovator, as an internationally respected testing company, and especially in the field of e-mobility. I am impressed by how the future is unfolding here, in the heart of Europe. This includes everything from design plans to vehicle prototypes, from battery simulation and charging column testing to type approval of e-cars and electromagnetic compatibility. My hearty congratulations!


TÜV AUSTRIA Group Marketing & Communication | PhDr. Andreas Wanda | |

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