Solution: Awareness Bash (online)

Solution: Awareness Bash (online)

Awareness Bash (Online)

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About the subject

By manipulating employees, hackers attempt to gain access to premises, systems and data in order to manipulate or steal company or customer critical information. They proceed in many different ways: They take advantage of the good faith, lack of knowledge, fear, respect for authority and the trust of employees and thus unconsciously make them their helpers.

It is therefore essential to protect the information assets of a company appropriately. To this regard, all employees of a company must be aware of the ways in which internal company information can be lost or falsified. As human wrongdoing is often the cause of successful information or data theft.


  • What does awareness mean and why is it so important?
  • Explanation of the basic concepts of phishing and ransomware etc.
  • Dealing with
    • e-mails
    • unknown data carriers
    • visitors and unknown persons inside the building
    • passwords
  • Emergency response
  • Summary and discussion

Target group

This workshop is aimed at all employees in the company, whether managing directors, employees, skilled workers, trainees or students.

Workshop duration

The workshop is scheduled for one hour but can be adapted to individual needs.


49,- € p.p. plus VAT for the workshop including confirmation of participation.

Information & Contact

For further information, please contact Mariana Dohmen at +49 (0) 151 / 61 33 32 15 or

We would be happy to arrange individual dates for this workshop with you.

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