Pressure equipment

Pressure Equipment

Pressure vessels and tubing can be of great danger. Numerous explosions of steam boilers with often disastrous consequences in the 19th century led to the foundation of our company. TÜV Austria has been dealing with safety criteria within the steam and pressure technology for almost 150 years.

General safety as well as suitability and profitability are of major importance for our customers. Due to the risks and the complexity of the subject there is need for a strong partner with extensive practical experience. Apart from being competent in the field of steam generating pressure vessel, gas-, pressure-, and heating technology as well as material and welding technology, we have gained know-how concerning the transport of gases and inflammable liquids.

Steam Boiler Inspection

Safety and functional reliability of pressure equipment, such as Steam boiler, Pressure vessels, Transportable pressure equipment and Industrial piping systems have always been key concerns of the public and the industry. For that reason, by law, the following tests and inspections by a Pressure Equipment Approval and Pressure Equipment Inspection (link to accreditations of TÜV Austria) must be carried out.

Natural Gas Fuel Stations

Natural gas for motor fuel in advance – New risks at fuel stations?

The Kyoto Outcome

The Kyoto-Protocol was passed at the end of the year 1997 at Kyoto. It foresees the obligatory reduction of industrial nations emissions by approximately 5,2 % compared to the year 1990 in the time among 2008 to 2012. The European Union has the aim to achieve 8% reduction of the climate relevant emissions in opposite to 1990. The Austrian quota to reduce the greenhouse gases emission is 13% (CO2, CH4, N2, FKW). Without doing any urgent measures the CO2 – emissions, caused by traffic, will further rise according to the nowadays trend until 2010 (in the opposite of the year 1990). While searching for new innovative technologies research workers always strike on alternative fuels.

Alternative fuel or alternative drive commonly are alternatives to traditional benzin or diesel, e.g. natural gas or liquid gas, but also bio diesel or electrical power by traditional battery or by fuel cells count to alternative power drives. Around the year 1900 electric energy and ethanol have been the leaders of the future hit lists.

ASME Survey to obtain accreditation as AIA (Authorized Inspection Agency) successfully completed

Last year, TÜV AUSTRIA applied to ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) for accreditation as an Authorized Inspection Agency (AIA) for pressure vessels and boilers. TÜV AUSTRIA is now authorized to perform inspections and certify new pressure vessels that have been manufactured according to the American ASME Code. The ASME Boiler & Pressure Vessel Code is heavily primarily in the oil & gas industry, not just in Canada and the USA but also parts of Europe as well as in Asia and the Middle East.

The ASME survey was carried out between 7th and 9th of May 2019 by 3 auditors and concentrated on the AIA Quality Manual and a demonstration of the competences of an Authorized Inspector (AI) and Authorized Inspector Supervisor (AIS). The excellent preparation meant that it was completed without any nonconformities.

The success is based on the exceptional efforts of our ASME team, especially Mr. Martin Schwarz (Head of Competence Center Pressure Equipment), Mr. Janos Kaponyi (AIS), Mr. Koray Efe (AI) and Mr. Alexander Egger (Quality Management).

Thus, TÜV AUSTRIA is the now one of the 24 organizations worldwide that are authorized as an AIA – the next important step in our strategy to provide our international clients in the pressure sector with an all-round service .

Pressure Equipment

Tel.: +43 (0)504 54-0
Fax: +43 (0)504 54-6105

Deutschstraße 10
1230 Wien

Contact person:
Martin Schwarz, Head of Competence Center Pressure Equipment,
Janos Kaponyi, ASME Authorized Inspector Supervisor,

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