Solution: Testing and Certification of IoT Devices

Solution: Testing and Certification of IoT Devices


Region: Deutschland

Waltherstraße 49-51 51069 Köln Deutschland

+49 221 9697890

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Testing and Certification of IoT Devices

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Whether refrigerator, smartwatch or industrial plant – in times of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, more and more devices in the private and corporate environment are digitally networked. They off er new business opportunities, enhanced benefits and simplified and more efficient processes. But as practical and user-friendly as the increasing interconnectedness is, this trend also brings with it enlarged attack surfaces. Especially since IoT devices contain significantly more complex infrastructures than classic IT. IT security aspects should therefore be included early in the planning, design and implementation of IoT projects. To this end, TÜV TRUST IT and the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence GmbH (DFKI) have developed a test catalogue that allows for an independent and objective evaluation and protection of IoT devices.

  • Implement sustainable and effective information security during the IoT development cycle
  • High investment security for development projects in the innovative IoT environment
  • Detailed report on the test or certification
  • Planning or improvement basis for your IoT project
  • The test and quality seal “Trusted IoT-Device” to foster your marketing
  • Improve your market opportunities: Show your customers and management that your IoT device is trusted and secure
  • Know-how transfer by IT security experts from TÜV TRUST IT (objective testing) and the DFKI (innovative research)

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Check certificate

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Check certificate

  • Person Certificate

  • Product Certificate

  • System Certificate

  • Verification of Conformity

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