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TÜV AUSTRIA White Paper Series & Leading Innovation

White Paper

Leading Innovation

With the TÜV AUSTRIA White Paper Series, Research, Development & Innovation of the TÜV AUSTRIA Group develops forward-looking concepts and solutions for safety, technology, environment and quality. Because the future is built on safety. The white papers are available for free download.

TÜV AUSTRIA publishes findings from the TÜV AUSTRIA Innovation Advisory Board meetings important insights into successful organisational and leadership concepts used by innovation and technology leaders.

Impulses from the TÜV AUSTRIA Innovation Advisory Board Volume 3: Safe application of artificial intelligence
  • Artificial intelligence (AI) is considered the strongest driver of the digital transformation.
    transformation. Powerful computer and data transmission capacities are helping this technology, which is not new in itself, to spread rapidly in more and more areas of the economy and life. As the key technology of the coming years, it has the potential not only to reshape markets, but also to influence society.

    Dr. Stefan Haas | CEO TÜV AUSTRIA Group

  • The operation and control of an electricity grid would no longer be possible without AI. Capacity planning for the whole of Europe, for example, could never be calculated and then optimised by a human being.

    DI Franz Mittermayer | Vorstandsdirektor EVN AG

TÜV AUSTRIA Leading Innovation

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